
西雅图太平洋对赌博十大靠谱软件的转学生很有信心. 小班授课, 降低学费, 以及西雅图无与伦比的职业机会, 你可以在这里开启你的未来. 

应用 today to see how a nationally ranked university like Seattle Pacific can help you reach your goals.

转学申请者有三个申请选项. 请选择 一个 下列的:


  • If you have completed 一个 or more college courses after your high school graduation, 你将以转学生的身份申请. 如果没有,遵循录取程序 入学第一年 学生. (记住:跑步开始或其他 双核高中生会跟着学学分 一年级新生入学手续).
  • 如果你已经完成了华盛顿大学的副学士学位, 俄勒冈州, 或加州地区认可的大学或两年制学院, your degree may fulfill Common and Exploratory Curriculum requirements. 看看你是否有 直接转移度.
  • Discover how credits from courses you have already taken may transfer into SPU with the 转学课程等效指南.
  • 如果你在进入SPU之前有一个完整的学士学位, 你将按照入院程序 学士学位阶段后的学生.

需求 & 最后期限

而GPA在审查过程中是一个重要的因素, 录取是基于对每个申请的全面审查. 你在申请论文中的写作质量, 你的推荐, and sometimes your standardized test scores will all impact your result.


  • 入学申请. Transfer and post-baccalaureate applicants have three application options. 请只选择 一个 下列的:
  • $50申请费.
  • 官方成绩单* 从就读的每一所大学.
  • 高中毕业成绩单. Only required for 学生 who have taken fewer than 45 college level quarter or 30 college level semester credits since high school graduation at the time of application.


You do not need to submit the Secondary School Report (a document completed by your high school counselor) or the Registrar’s Report document completed by your college or university registrar.



作为招生顾问, 赌博十大靠谱软件理解,虽然GPA很重要, 它并不能说明你是谁的全部. 赌博十大靠谱软件要求学生至少有2个.5+ GPA because we want each person to be set up for success in our academic programs. If you feel that your GPA is not an accurate representation of your ability and performance, 在你的申请文章中解释原因. 赌博十大靠谱软件想了解你的个人,而不仅仅是学术上的. Tell us about the obstacles you’ve overcome and why you connect with the mission and values of SPU.











For 护理 application deadlines, for transfer and 学士学位阶段后的学生s, please refer to the 护理应用网站.


想看看你的课怎么转? 回顾赌博十大靠谱软件转学课程等效指南

请记住,这个列表并不详尽. 如果你的课程没有列出, we are glad to offer you a preliminary transcript evaluation if you do 一个 下列的:

If you would like a preliminary evaluation of how your credits will transfer to SPU and have met 一个 of the above requirements, please request a transcript evaluation by providing the following information:

  1. 全名
  2. SPU ID号(如果知道)
  3. 所有就读的学院(附非官方成绩单)
  4. If you would like additional class(es) evaluated that are not listed on your transcripts, 请提供课程名称, 每个类别的编号和描述.
  5. 目的主要(s)
  6. 预定入学季度

请预留至少两周的通知来处理您的要求. 你可透过以下途径提出要求:

电子邮件: transfer@051857.com
传真: 206-281-2544,转学招生

*请注意:如果你已经收到SPU的录取通知书, your transfer work is automatically evaluated by the Office of the Registrar. You can access this information through SPU’s online student information system, Banner. 有关此过程的更多信息, 如何访问和审查这些信息, 以及接下来的步骤和问题选项, 请查看这个有用的指南.


一般来说,GPA不低于2分.需要达到5分才有资格进入SPU. 有些专业确实要求更高的累积绩点. 请向你的招生顾问咨询更多信息.

No. Students enrolled in college-level courses before graduating from high school must apply as first-year 学生. 然而, college credits will transfer under the same policies as for all transfer 学生.

没有最低数量的学分需要转移. Once you have completed at least 一个 college course after graduating from high school, 你被认为是一个转学生. SAT或ACT成绩提交是可选的.

A high school transcript is required only if you have completed fewer than 45 quarter credits (30 semester credits) at the time of application. 然而, if you took three years or more of a foreign language in high school with a “C” grade or better in the final course, 这将满足赌博十大靠谱软件的外语能力要求. In this case, you should submit your official high school transcript to prove proficiency.

官方SAT或ACT成绩是可选的. SAT数学成绩达到或超过580分, ACT数学部分的25分或更高, 是否会免除学生的数学能力要求. 在这种情况下,你应该提交你的官方考试成绩.

不需要,转学生不需要提交学院报告. Just make sure to submit your official transcripts to complete your application!

尽管SPU不需要Advisor表单, you will still need to complete the Advisor information questions in the Common Application. 按照以下步骤完成“教育”部分:

  • 在您登录到通用应用程序之后, 转到仪表板,选择“好的赌博软件推荐”
  • 在通用应用程序部分,从左侧选择“教育”
  • 在“当前或最近的大学”部分, use the following contact information to fill out the Advisor questions:
    • 在前缀下,选择“先生”.或“Mrs .”.”
    • 对于名字,输入“SPU”.”
    • 对于姓氏,输入“transfer”.”
    • 职位名称请输入“顾问”
    • 对于电子邮件地址,输入“transfertospu@gmail”.com”
    • 电话请输入“206-281-2021”
  • Fill out the rest of the questions in this section, then click “Continue” to save your changes
  • 继续填写申请表的其余部分!

No. 为了获得这些考试的学分, you must have the testing agency submit official scores directly to SPU. Credit will be awarded using SPU’s transfer policies for exams, found in the SPU本科生目录.

可能. If you are within 20 credits of earning a DTA associate’s degree at a Washington state two-year school when you transfer to SPU, 你可能有资格参加SPU 反向转让协议. Students participating in this program complete their final courses at SPU and transfer them back to their 社区 college. 一旦获得了社区大学的学位, 学生可以获得DTA学位的转学福利. 联系你的本科学术顾问讨论这个选择.

作为一个被录取的转校生, your transfer work is automatically evaluated by the Office of the Registrar. You can access this information through SPU’s online student information system Banner. 有关此过程的更多信息, 如何访问和审查这些信息, 以及接下来的步骤和问题选项, 请查看这个有用的指南.

  • If you intend to transfer directly into SPU’s nursing program for the Autumn or Winter cohort, 你必须在1月15日前提交护理申请. 有关护理计划的更多信息, 包括春季学期的截止日期, 请参阅赌博十大靠谱软件的 护理网站.
  • 如果你想申请视觉传达专业, you must submit a portfolio no later than the second Tuesday of Autumn Quarter. You must have been accepted into the University and completed the pre-requisites before you can apply. 视觉传达联络教授Karen Gutowsky-Zimmerman (kgz@051857.com).
  • 对于其他专业, you must complete your first quarter at SPU and fulfill all other application criteria for your major before applying. 赌博十大靠谱软件提供转账服务 直接录取 给一些专业的学生.
  • On-campus housing is guaranteed for 学生 20 years old or younger at the start of the academic year.
  • On-campus housing may be available to transfer 学生 up to age 24 on a space availability basis.
  • 有关校园住房的更多信息,请访问 居住生活.
